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HomeDecoratingPink Elephant Jewellery: Crafting Unique Stories with Aarti Abbi

Pink Elephant Jewellery: Crafting Unique Stories with Aarti Abbi

By Shruti Menon Seeboo

Meet Aarti Abbi, a whirlwind of infectious positivity and boundless enthusiasm! Aarti approaches life with an open heart and a thirst for adventure. Whether it’s conquering a driving fear, mastering a new recipe, or crafting witty Punjabi one-liners, she embraces every challenge with a smile. This “jack of all trades” isn’t just about dabbling; she infuses her creativity into everything she does, from captivating radio shows to eye-catching Instagram reels.

Aarti’s zest for life goes beyond personal exploration. She believes in the power of optimism and gratitude to inspire others, spreading beauty and joy wherever she goes. As she puts it, “Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara” (You won’t get life again), cherishing every moment with loved ones and embracing new experiences with open arms. More than just a ray of sunshine, Aarti is fuelled by the support of her family, friends, and clients. Their trust and belief empower her to chase her dreams and work tirelessly.

From her inspiring journey as the founder of Pink Elephant Jewellery, Aarti shares her insights on turning passion into a thriving business and spreading positivity through creativity. As she says, “Follow your passion and never give up,” encapsulating her unwavering dedication to her craft. With a sprinkle of passion, a dash of perseverance, and a whole lot of love and support, Aarti’s infectious energy shines through, inspiring others to chase their dreams and embrace life to the fullest. Get ready to be swept up in Aarti Abbi’s inspiring journey!

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind starting Pink Elephant and what sets it apart from other jewellery boutiques?

The inspiration behind starting Pink Elephant came from a combination of my own passion for handcrafted jewellery and my love for styling. It was about stepping out of my comfort zone and pursuing my own business and passion. And I couldn’t have done it without my sister-in-law, who inspired me, and my family and friends who supported me through thick and thin. What truly sets Pink Elephant apart from other jewellery boutiques is our firm dedication to our tagline: “Be Unique, Be Stylish, Wear Pink Elephant. Our pieces are not just accessories; they’re style statements that elevate any outfit. Additionally, we take great pride in never repeating designs. Moreover, we offer a diverse range of jewellery, from contemporary to non-contemporary styles, providing clients with the flexibility to find everything they need under one platform. So, at Pink Elephant, we don’t just sell jewellery; we offer a lifestyle – one that celebrates uniqueness, style, and quality that makes us stand out in the crowd.

How do you source materials for your handmade jewellery, and what considerations do you take into account when selecting them?

We focus on maintaining affordability and uniqueness in designs by sourcing directly from artisans. Quality and comfort are also paramount considerations, especially for items like chokers. We strive to offer versatility in our designs, creating detachable pieces that allow for customization and flexibility. Whenever possible, we create detachable jewellery pieces that allow for customization and flexibility. For example, our earrings may feature extensions that can be removed, transforming them from long dangles to elegant studs. At Pink Elephant, we believe that sourcing materials is not just about finding the right components, but also about ensuring affordability, uniqueness, quality, comfort, and versatility in our designs.

What challenges have you faced in establishing and growing Pink Elephant, particularly in the context of the handicraft industry in Mauritius?

One challenge was introducing Indian non-contemporary designs to the market in Mauritius. Another hurdle is sourcing materials from outside Mauritius and ensuring timely delivery. But hey, it’s all part of the Pink Elephant charm. Bring on the challenges; we’ll just bling our way through them.

Can you walk us through the process of creating a piece of jewellery from conception to completion at Pink Elephant?

At Pink Elephant, we love keeping up with what’s trendy in the field of jewellery fashion. Whenever there’s a new trend popping up, we share it with our amazing artisans and give it that special Pink Elephant touch. Our trendy, fashion-forward jewellery is ready to dazzle and delight customers everywhere, adding a touch of Pink Elephant style to their outfits.

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the fashion industry. How does Pink Elephant incorporate sustainable practices into its business model?

We believe in offering a wide range of stylish and sustainable options, including a special collection crafted from eco-friendly materials like jute threads and recycled fabrics. We also extend our sustainable practices beyond jewellery to include home decor items crafted from leftover fabrics like table runners, coasters, cushion covers, and small handbags called Potlis. These are crafted from leftover fabrics and handcrafted with beads, giving them a unique and eco-friendly touch.

Pink Elephant is known for its unique designs. Where do you draw inspiration from when creating new collections?

Our unique designs are inspired by nature, culture, and especially from our clients. We want our jewellery to be not just pretty, but also meaningful to the people who wear it.

What role does social media play in promoting Pink Elephant and connecting with customers, both locally and internationally?

Social media helps us connect with customers everywhere! Our Instagram and Facebook pages allow customers to check out our jewellery and place orders. Most of our orders come from our social media posts and videos, especially those quick clips called ‘reels.

Finally, what advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to start their own handicraft or jewellery business in Mauritius?

Follow your passion and never give up. With dedication, perseverance, and the support of family and friends, you can turn your wildest dreams into a success story. Life’s too short not to have a little fun!



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