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HomeBusinessOpportunity Knocks for Rwandan Students: Explore the Study in India Fair, Kigali

Opportunity Knocks for Rwandan Students: Explore the Study in India Fair, Kigali

By Shruti Menon Seeboo

The world of education awaits, and India is extending a warm welcome to Rwandan students seeking exceptional academic opportunities. TIES Global, in partnership with Campus Abroad Mauritius, is proud to host the “Study in India” education fair in Kigali, Rwanda on June 7th and 8th, 2024. This collaborative initiative is designed to shed light on the vast and diverse range of educational programs offered by prestigious Indian universities and institutions.

Why consider India for your studies? India boasts a rich educational heritage, with world-renowned universities and institutions offering cutting-edge programs in various fields. From engineering and medicine to business and information technology, you’ll find a program that perfectly aligns with your academic goals and career aspirations. Furthermore, studying in India allows you to experience a unique culture, immerse yourself in a welcoming and supportive environment, and gain valuable global exposure – all at an affordable cost.

Gaining valuable insights into this exciting opportunity will be Mr. Ganesh G, Assistant Director – International Outreach & Public Relations at Acharya Institute. A renowned institution established in 1990 and ranked among the top colleges in Bangalore, Acharya Institute will be present at the fair to showcase their offerings and unique learning environment. Be sure to attend the fair and connect with Mr. Ganesh G to learn more about the enriching experience that awaits you at Acharya Institute and other esteemed Indian institutions. Excerpts:

  1. Will your university be offering any programs or support services specifically tailored for Rwandan students, considering their unique educational background and potential challenges adapting to a new country? (e.g., English language support, bridging programs)

Acharya core value says “Nurturing Aspirations, Supporting Growth” Which means we shall do all that is possible to ensure student excel in the field of their choice. Acharya is training & Testing center for Cambridge English by virtue of which students will get English language support.

  1. Does your university offer any scholarships or financial aid programs specifically for Rwandan students? If so, what are the eligibility criteria and application process?

Acharya has always ensured financial support is extended to students by way of scholarship to the deserving meritorious students & students from sports background.

  1. How does your university help graduates find career opportunities back in Rwanda, or prepare them for the global job market considering the specific needs and industries in Rwanda?

By Virtue of Acharya connect with MNC where our placement cell has always ensured that the students are given opportunities to get placed in the student’s own country which will not only help students but also in support of nation building.

  1. What are the academic areas where your university excels and offers unique programs that might be particularly appealing to Rwandan students? (e.g., Science & Technology, Agriculture, Business)

Acharya offers close to 120+ programs in 50 academic streams which will open doors to students to select programs of their choice.

  1. Does your university have any collaborations with Rwandan companies or organisations that can offer internship opportunities for Rwandan students?

Acharya has collaborated with fortune 500 companies like Google, Microsoft, IBM, L&T, Siemens and many more to give students the opportunity of learn the evolving technologies on real time and opportunity to use the knowledge when they intern with these companies.

  1. Can you walk us through the application process for Rwandan students in terms of deadlines, required documents, and visa considerations?

Acharya has very simplified admission process, Student with valid email ID and mobile number will be able to make application online and uploading all supporting academic documents along with passport for getting his / her application reviewed for acceptance & then our international relations department will assist with required documents for seeking Visa. June 20th 2024 is the last date for students to apply for 2024-25 intake.

  1. What kind of support services does your university offer to help international students integrate into campus life and Indian culture?

Acharya offers extensive support for international students through our International Student Office:
Orientation programs, visa assistance. Cultural Programs: Festivals, workshops on Indian culture.
Language Support: Hindi classes, language exchange.
Academic Services: Tutoring, mentorship, writing centers.
Student Organizations: International student associations, clubs.
Counseling: Mental health support, wellness programs.
Accommodation: On-campus housing, host family programs.                                    
Buddy Programs: Local student buddies, peer mentoring.
Career Services: Job placement, resume workshops, alumni networks.
Activities: Sports, recreational activities, cultural trips.

The above-mentioned services ensure a smooth transition into campus life and Indian culture.

  1. How can your university’s programs contribute to the development goals outlined by the Rwandan government? (e.g., STEM education, sustainable development)

Acharya programs align with Rwanda’s development goals & some of the initiatives support Rwanda’s vision for economic growth, sustainability, and improved quality of life through;

STEM Education: Offering advanced courses in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to build a skilled workforce.

Sustainable Development: Integrating sustainability principles in research and projects, promoting green technologies.

Entrepreneurship: Providing incubation centers and entrepreneurial training to foster innovation and job creation.

Healthcare: Enhancing medical education and research to improve public health services.

ICT: Developing ICT skills through specialized programs to support Rwanda’s digital transformation.



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